Fees & Payment

Fees listed on this website are in effect as of January 1, 2025.

Clients are billed directly once the assessment report is complete. Payment options include etransfer, credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), cheque, or cash.

Considerations for Post-Secondary Students

The Canada Student Grants program may cover the cost of your assessment (up to a maximum of $3,500 per loan year for 2024-2025). For up-to-date information on funding opportunities to assist with the cost of your assessment, please see the Funding for Students With Disabilities Guide and/or call Alberta Student Aid.

Tax Deductions

Fees paid for psychological services may qualify as a medical expense for income tax purposes.

Extended Health Benefits

Extended health plans and health spending accounts may cover a significant portion of your costs! Clients are advised to contact their benefit plan provider to determine their coverage prior to booking an appointment.

  • Does my plan cover psychological services provided by a Registered Psychologist?

    What is my yearly amount of coverage for psychological services?

    Have I already used my coverage for this year? When does my coverage renew?

    Is there a maximum hourly fee that my plan covers? (Note: fees not covered by your benefits plan may be eligible as a tax deductible medical expense)

    Does my plan have a daily limit on psychological services? (For example, if I meet with the psychologist for three hours one afternoon, will my plan cover the multiple hours or will my coverage pay for one hour per day maximum?)

    Does my plan cover only one-on-one direct service, or are all psychological services such as report writing covered?

    Do I need a referral from a physician to qualify for coverage?

    Are there any other limits that I need to know about?

Protecting Your Privacy

The information you provide a psychologist during the course of assessment is confidential with exceptions as mandated by law (e.g., "duty to report" when a minor is in need of protection; when disclosure is necessary to prevent immediate and grave harm to your life, someone else's life, or public safety; if your file is subpoenaed). This clinic is committed to ensuring that your information is secure. To prevent unauthorized access, suitable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures are implemented to safeguard and secure personal information. Read the full privacy policy here.

Cancelation Policy

Clients are NOT billed for missed appointments. If you must miss an appointment for any reason, please provide as much notice as possible so other clients can be served.


This clinic continues to incorporate practices that help reduce risk of exposure to covid-19 and colds/flu. Read the full covid-19 policy here.

Environmental Policy

This clinic attempts to reduce its ecological footprint with reduced in-person appointments (i.e., testing is completed in person; assessment debriefs are conducted via teleconference) and digital reports or use of recycled paper products are now used wherever possible. 🌎